
Profitable Monetization of a Web Resource with AMarkets

It is not that easy, as it seems, to find a simple yet effective method to monetize a personal blog/website, social media pages, Youtube channel or group in any social messenger, even if the deal is about a very popular web resource. That’s why many webmasters prefer working with affiliate P4P (pay for performance) programs, besides direct ad sales. 
Nowadays web users have already tired from direct ads. Moreover, the aggressive use of direct ads is a common reason why webmasters lose their target audience. On the contrary, a well-picked affiliate program and its smart native advertising can engage a more loyal audience and provide a substantial growth of the long-term income.
This article highlights the key details required for choosing an affiliate program and a niche.

Step 1.

At first, you need to pick a niche and product to advertise on your web resource. You have to take into account the target audience when choosing an advertising offer. For instance, it will be ineffective or even pointless to promote the products for women and children if your target audience mostly consists of men.
In addition, you have to pay attention to the marginality of your business, in order to determine the potential of a future income. Taking into account these points, we aim to review the affiliate programs of financial markets. This niche can potentially produce a huge stable income that will not be limited. One client in this industry will bring the commission rate higher than the profit received after the sale of a whole bunch of goods.

Step 2.

Honesty and unsullied reputation of a company are the first things to take into account when you say yes to an affiliate program. Especially, if your web resource has stable and organic traffic (it would be a bummer to lose such a loyal audience). And you have to be extremely cautious when dealing with the popular affiliate niche of online brokers (Forex & CFD). The first thing to do is to search the unbiased reviews about them.
Obviously, the niche of online trading has a few famous businesses specializing in affiliate programs and trading services for many years. Their reviews will be the most unbiased ones because these businesses will never risk losing the trust of their audience. For instance, Artyom Zvezdin (a Russian FX trader, content creator and host of the popular YouTube channel about FX trading – “Intelligent Investor” a.k.a. “Умный инвестор”) said in the interview about one of his affiliate partners: “While the company is looking at the client’s direction, I will keep on advertising this company. If the situation changes, I will cease any partnership with AMarkets. Nothing personal”.  
By the way, Artyom chose to deal with AMarkets for a reason. Since 2007 AMarkets successfully gained the popular status because it operates as an online broker with a high percentage of prosperous clients and flawless reputation. Additionally, AMarkets concluded the partnership with many partners all around the world and received a few international awards like “The best affiliate program on Forex” by RACE Awards, “The best CFD-broker on the affiliate market” by RACE Awards, “The quickest order execution” by IAFT Awards, etc.

Step 3.

Let’s go to the next important step in choosing an affiliate program. After you made certain of the company’s exceptional reputation, it is worth taking a closer look at the affiliate program’s terms: what will make the income from your partnership with the chosen online broker.

As a rule, the easiest method of gaining quick profits is based on the cost per lead (CPL, the cost for a potential client, e.g. for a new user’s registration on a website) or cost per action (CPA, cost per any activity on the advertiser’s website, e.g. for the deposit’s top-up).
For instance, check the terms of the affiliate program by AMarkets broker:
Their affiliate program works in this way:

  • Webmaster sends traffic to AMarkets website
  • Traffic converts into qualified leads
  • Partner gets money for every new lead (registration)
  • If the lead starts acting (for instance, to top-up the deposit), the webmaster gets the major remuneration up to a few hundreds of dollars!

There is also another partnership strategy called “Agent”. This method turns the profit from the client’s trading volume during the whole period of the client’s collaboration with the broker.
Webmasters who become affiliate managers of advertisers, like AMarkets, can get multiple benefits:

  •  Daily payouts;
  • High remuneration rates;
  • Complete coverage of the disbursement fee of supported payment systems;
  • Unlimited (by the time of action) affiliate tags;
  • Top-notch advertising contents for promotion;
  • High-quality personal support by the affiliate-marketing experts;

Common advantages of affiliate programs:

  • Turning the profit without investments;
  • No need to deal with direct ad sales;
  • An opportunity to turn the stable, long-term and huge profit due to the smart advertising of an affiliate offer;

 The only thing required from an affiliate partner is to make a potential client interested in the registration on a company’s website. The AMarkets experts will do the rest.

Step 4.

Another important step is to choose a marketing tool. It depends on the web resource (you can use a few resources) picked for the affiliate marketing with a certain advertiser. A good advertiser always thinks through these details beforehand because they affect the affiliate program’s efficacy and webmaster’s profit.

For example, check the list of marketing tools offered by AMarkets online broker. Their experts created a separate section with the detailed description and manual on the use of different marketing tools, depending on a picked web resource.
Take, for instance, such situation – you are going to promote an affiliate offer on your website or blog. In this case, it is better to use a meta tag that may assign clients or partners to the personal AMarkets account. The assignment helps to monitor the traffic from the website/blog to AMarkets to count the number of leads and, consequently, to accrue the remuneration for CPL and CPA.
Additionally, an affiliate partner can use such instruments as a referral link, banner (with the embed link), widgets (work like banners) or RSS-feed. By the way, RSS-feeds are automatically updated – this reduces the time required for the use of advertising information. The advantage of the marketing tools as RSS-feeds or widgets is that they can effectively sell and be useful content for any website at the same time.
In addition, from the personal account on AMarkets website an affiliate partner gets access to the database of the ad content ready for posting on your website/blog. Webmasters may also request the templates and customized content for advertising.
To finish off, the most important thing to grasp – to monetize your web resource, you need to start acting right here and right now. Promote your website/blog/group/channel and generate the traffic just like the popular Forex trader/blogger Artyom Zvezdin and over 3000 AMarkets affiliate partners all over the world do. The Artyom’s YouTube channel “Smart Investor” has over 60,000 subscribers; every video has a few thousands of views. Artyom did not become a popular Forex trader and blogger in one day, but he managed to achieve this goal quite quickly through the top-notch content and its appealing presentation in a simple and understandable format. 
Every single one of you can achieve such success. It stands to mention that Forex niche is not yet overwhelmed when it comes to content. That’s why you still have time to join and quickly take your place in the sun that will turn a huge profit from affiliate programs, besides direct ad sales.

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