
Interview with the Leader of the partners’ contest “Big race” – Webmaster Max

Hi Max!


Thank you for agreeing to take some time and answer a few questions for us. First of all, we would like to congratulate you on your victory in “Big Race” competition. Given how you stand out from amongst the other leaders in terms of the number of clients, we can safely say that you deserved the victory.


Hi AMarkets! Traders and partners of AMarkets Hello to you too. I’m always happy to participate in good competitions. It stimulates work and it is even more exhilarating to win them.


Max, would you please tell us how you managed to shoot ahead and the methods you used to increase the number of new clients?


I have three main methods of working with clients:


The main source of my clients would be my forex blog, which is quite popular on the internet. I write new articles constantly for example, I do reviews on indicators and advisers on the basis of my personal experience with them. Besides that, I work with site optimisation for effective promotion in search engines and attract audiences from third party sites and social networks.


I have my own YouTube channel, where I quite frequently upload videos on forex reviews.


I lead a closed VIP-group training, where we test forex advisers with the audience. For example, I put a good robot into a real AMarkets account and allow people to monitor real trading. After some time we analyse the results and sum up the total. I also demonstrate my deal and trade strategies, which I employ during personal trading and management of PAMM-accounts. The group already has more than 500 active participants and it is growing quite fast since people like the interactive and the number of those who wish to connect is growing everyday.


How did you get into financial markets and why did you decide to become a partner?



Max with the brand new Macbook, his gift from AMarkets for outstanding results.


Initially I worked as a webmaster: I designed websites, sold them or personally promoted them, and earned in advertising or related programs but in another business. Somehow, I came across financial markets, got interested and I started trading. I liked it very much and it dawned on me that, that is exactly what I wanted to work with. After learning and achieving first positive results, I decided to become a PAMM-manager. By the way, my first account was created with AMarkets (ex-AForex), brought me a lot of money in a short time and allowed me to create other PAMM-accounts. The income was much more than what I earned as a webmaster, even when I designed many sites, collectively, they could not have earned me the same result as that I got from trading. After this, I lost interest in the main activity and I actively steered my efforts to perfecting my trading system and to developing myself as a trader.


I did not abandon my blog. On the contrary! I transformed it and started to share my experience and success in the financial markets, this is how I came to affiliate programs which have have significantly multiplied my income over time.


Is your main source of income derived from affiliate programs and trading?


Yes, trading and forex affiliate programs are my main source of income, quite ample at that, and I do not see myself engaged in something else different. It should be noted that it takes a lot of time, and if I am on to something, I do it with conscientiousness and total dedication. Certainly, I earn a significant income from trading, but affiliate programs are quite a lucrative addition to my earnings as a trader and a manager.


Many partners would like to know – which methods work best, at attracting clients?


Personal communication is best, in which you can show, in person and not in words, the monitoring of your trading accounts and the results. Certainly the site attracts a large number of traders and investors but my best result is especially from individual consultation and training.


The number of forex sites is increasing more by day, but their creators have nothing to do with trading or even worse, earnings with the financial markets. The leaders of such sites and blogs firstly chase after quick profits through affiliate programs, attract unprepared people who lose their money only to return to the market never again. Such a method has exhausted itself long ago since clients have equipped themselves with financial plans and they need a specific and high quality product which they cannot get from such an approach; as a result, most of these projects do not have a future and are doomed to fail. The time to theorise is long gone so success can only be achieved on personal merit and specific results.


As I see it, , this is the basis of affiliate marketing. Therefore if you don’t understand the markets and real experience, then no method of client attraction will bring you proper results. As evidence, you can observe how many partners complain that they do everything possible, but they do not get clients or registration is not converted into replenished accounts. The main idea is not in the amount of traffic or its source but it is really in the actual approach. If you find yourself in such a situation, it means that you have to change something as you cannot be successful in promoting a product you do not know.


Given that we have been a team for a few years already, what do you like about working with AMarkets?


The most important to me, are the trading terms for me and my clients since each time I recommend a broker, I become responsible not only for my result but also for other people’s money who trusted me. From this point of view, the company fulfils my requirements, proved its reliability and confirmed its high quality services in practice during the few years of our joint work.


Besides this, I see that the company does not standstill and grows continuously: this is one of the factors attributable to my success as a partner with the company. One of the latest changes I would like to highlight is the partner’s office new interface. It is now convenient to search for the right client from a large number of registrations, and analyze their statistics and results in order to understand how to work with them and what to recommend. It is very important to me that all my clients would end up in the partner group as this gives them access to the VIP-community of traders which I talked about earlier.


One of the necessary tools I would like to note is the traffic analyzer. With this, it is obvious immediately which source gives most traffic and which one least. You can also see the conversion trend according to source and it gives you a general idea on which source to intensify and which to avoid altogether.


The company is very loyal to its partners and tries to meet them in any matters. Which is also a big plus.


How would you rate your current results in the affiliate program and what goals do you have for the future?


I would rate my results as average, because I believe that I can do better, and that is exactly what I strive for. My main goal is to be named the No.1 forex blogger on RuNet and bring people true benefits and not only draw them, leading to a real loss of money as is the order of the day for the vast majority of people in search of quick and easy money.


What recommendations would you give to beginner partners?


I have answered this question partially, but I will repeat: it is advisable that you yourself trade; be in the markets and show people that you are not just theoretical but you practice what you talk about, and you can prove it with your results. If you adhere to that approach in your work with clients, then the attraction methods would not matter as much, as they are only instruments promoting your knowledge and experience which is in actual fact the product. Clients should be able to sense you as a real expert in the area that you are engaged in. If they see you as an amateur, you will completely lose them, becoming a fraud and smooth-talker, since word of mouth is the most potent and fastest tool for disseminating information, which can either make you or break you. Therefore, don’t forget that the main factor of your success is your reputation, which you must protect as you would the apple of your eye.


I periodically make “control purchases”: after reading about some miracle indicator or adviser, especially if it is a paid product; I ask the author to give trade monitoring and based on his reaction, I draw my relevant conclusions.


How do you spend your free time?


Lately I have really been into sports! For the most part of my life, I was actively involved in sports, but circumstances changed such that I had to drop it for three years. The incentive for my return to sports was the AMarkets competition: After winning and the congratulation of winners, I posted a picture on social media and one of my subscribers jokingly wrote: “Max, it’s time to hit the gym.” Perhaps this was the deciding factor for me to gather up my strength and do what I had planned long ago.


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So now I spend all my free time gyming. We can say that my participation in the competition was worth the trouble: I grabbed the first prize and my health is in check.


Finally, Max, in conclusion of our interview: we launched a new competition for our partners, “Hot Winter”, do you plan to content for the first prize or to currently take a break and concentrate on the main work?


I don’t plan to only participate but to win it!


Yours sincerely,
Webmaster Max
Successful trader and partner of AMarkets

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